© 1982 - 2025 11440 Hempstead Rd. Houston TX 77092-7104 Phone (713) 957-8803
1..No Running 2.. No Physical Contact 3.. Hold Phaser with both hands at all times. 4.. No running, jumping, climbing or horseplay of any kind 5.. You must be at least 46" tall to play Laser Tag you must be at least 36” tall to enter the laser tag arena as an observer. 6..Players must be careful when maneuvering around interior arena walls. 7.. No sitting or lying down in the Laser Tag arena 8.. Shirt and shoes must be worn at all times 9.. All electronics and personal be safely secured before using this attraction. 10.. No food, gum or drink is allowed in the Laser Tag arena 11. Listen and obey all rules and instructions from the laser tag marshal(s). 12. Do NOT enter or exit the laser tag attraction until instructed to do so by the marshal(s).
Any misconduct deemed inappropriate by the Laser Tag marshal(s) will be cause for dismissal from the Laser Tag and possibly dismissal from the facility with no refunds.
The following persons may NOT attend this attraction:
Please notify the attendant of these conditions and DO NOT play in this attraction.
Women who are pregnant.
Guests who have vision problems.
Guests who have heart problems.
Guests who have neck and back problems.
Guests who are epileptic.
Guests who are subject to motion sickness or vertigo.
Guests who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Individuals wearing a cast, wrap, protective device, or sling will not be permitted to drive or ride the karts or play Laser Tag
Please let us know if any of your guests suffer from the following: Asthma, epilepsy or suffer from seizures caused by fog or strobe lights. Please notify the marshal of these conditions and DO NOT play in this attraction.The following persons may NOT attend this attraction.
The arena is 2525 sq ft and 2 stories with 1 ramp. Rounds Are 15 Minutes Long 5 Minutes For Briefing 7 Minutes Game Time 3 Minutes Debriefing Time
*** RULES ***
Lasertag Games Lasertag Games
© 1982 - 2025 11440 Hempstead Rd. Houston TX 77092-7104 Phone (713) 957-8803
1..No Running 2.. No Physical Contact 3.. Hold Phaser with both hands at all times. 4.. No running, jumping, climbing or horseplay of any kind 5.. You must be at least 46" tall to play Laser Tag you must be at least 36” tall to enter the laser tag arena as an observer. 6..Players must be careful when maneuvering around interior arena walls. 7.. No sitting or lying down in the Laser Tag arena 8.. Shirt and shoes must be worn at all times 9.. All electronics and personal be safely secured before using this attraction. 10.. No food, gum or drink is allowed in the Laser Tag arena 11. Listen and obey all rules and instructions from the laser tag marshal(s). 12. Do NOT enter or exit the laser tag attraction until instructed to do so by the marshal(s).
Any misconduct deemed inappropriate by the Laser Tag attendant(s) will be cause for dismissal from the Laser Tag and possibly dismissal from the facility with no refunds.
The following persons may NOT attend this attraction:
Please notify the attendant of these conditions and DO NOT play in this attraction.
Women who are pregnant.
Guests who have vision problems.
Guests who have heart problems.
Guests who have neck and back problems.
Guests who are epileptic.
Guests who are subject to motion sickness or vertigo.
Guests who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Individuals wearing a cast, wrap, protective device, or sling will not be permitted to drive or ride the karts or play Laser Tag
Please let us know if any of your guests suffer from the following: Asthma, epilepsy or suffer from seizures caused by fog or strobe lights?. Please notify the attendant of these conditions and DO NOT play in this attraction.The following persons may NOT attend this attraction:
The arena is 2525 sq ft and 2 stories with 1 ramp. Rounds Are 15 Minutes Long 5 Minutes For Briefing 7 Minutes Game Time 3 Minutes Debriefing Time
*** RULES ***